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간호학과 졸업학년 학생의 병원 취업 준비 경험 간호학과 졸업학년 학생의 병원 취업 준비 경험Experiences of Hospital Pre-Employment among Senior Nursing Students 홍주은, 이하나(2020), 한국 정신 간호 학회지, 29(2) pp.83-95. Purpose: The objective of this phenomenological study was to explore senior nursing students' experiences with the process of getting a job. Methods: Twenty-one nursing students participated in the study. The data were collected from May 2018 to October 2018.. 더보기
대학생의 낙관성, 감성지능이 우울에 미치는 영향 대학생의 낙관성, 감성지능이 우울에 미치는 영향The influencing factors of Optimism and Emotional Intelligence on Depression among undergraduate students 이하나(2016), 한국 산학 기술 학회지, 17(11) pp.177-185. Abstract: This study quantified optimism, emotional intelligence, and depression levels, and explored potential key factors affecting the depression level in undergraduate students. We performed a survey targeting undergra.. 더보기
간호대학생의 자아탄력성, 임파워먼트가간호전문직관에 미치는 영향 간호대학생의 자아탄력성, 임파워먼트가 간호전문직관에 미치는 영향The influencing factors of Ego-Resilience and Empowerment on Nursing Professionalism among Nursing Students. 이하나, 김주현(2016), 한국 산학 기술 학회지, 17(8) pp.292-300. Abstract: This paper reports a descriptive correlation to explore the relationship among nursing professionalism, ego-resilience, and empowerment in nursing students. A convenience sample of 195 subjects we.. 더보기
신규간호사의 현실충격 개념분석 신규간호사의 현실충격 개념분석Concept Analysis of Reality Shock in New Graduate Nurses 최명희, 이하나(2016), 한국 산학 기술 학회지, 17(11) pp.376-385. Abstract This paper aims to understand the conceptual definition and the characteristics of reality shock in new graduate nurses. We analyzed the data using the hybrid model, initially introduced by Schwartz-Barcott and Kim. The data used in this study were collected from six.. 더보기
한국 대학생의 행복감 구조모형 구축 한국 대학생의 행복감 구조모형 구축A Structural Equation Model of Happiness in Korean College Students 이하나(2019), 한국 정신 간호 학회지, 28(2) pp.181-189. Purpose: The aim of this study was to develop a structural model based on Bronfenbrenner’s ecology of human development theory, that illustrates relationships of happiness and associated factors among Korean college students. Methods: Study participants were 357 colle.. 더보기
간호학과 졸업 학년 학생의 병원 취업 준비 경험 간호학과 졸업학년 학생의 병원 취업 준비 경험Experiences of Hospital Pre-Employment among Senior Nursing Students 홍주은 · 이하나(2020), 한국 정신 간호 학회지, 29(2), pp.83-95,  Purpose: The objective of this phenomenological study was to explore senior nursing students' experiences with the process of getting a job. Methods: Twenty-one nursing students participated in the study. The data were collected from May 2018 to October 2.. 더보기
